When all scheduled tasks are done, the project can be completed.
When you’ve completed all the tasks in a project and want to remove it from the sidebar, you can archive it.
To archive a project, open the project, click the '...' icon in the top right side of the project (above the project view) to open the actions menu, and select "Archive Project".
Tip - You can also complete a project from the sidebar by clicking a smaller v that appears as you hover your mouse over any project name
If, at some point, you want to restore this project to the sidebar along with your active projects, click "Show Archived Projects" in the bottom left hand corner, below "Create a New Project."
Once on the Archived Projects page, click the restore button beside the project you'd like to remove from the archives.
In the next view, confirm the restoration and add the project back to your sidebar by clicking "Restore project".
Once the project is restored, you can start creating tasks in it again right away. If you want to reopen tasks that were completed during or before the archival process, you'll need to click "View Completed Tasks" at the bottom of your project and manually reopen by clicking the checkmark next to the task. If you want to add this project to a group, you can do so using drag and drop.