Use sections to organize your tasks into categories, indicate their level of priority, or to indicate the status of the task.
Adding sections to your projects is a great way to further organize and categorize your tasks in the project list view or in the column view. Sections can be used to create a timeline, set milestones, or indicate the process your task must go through before it can be marked as complete. Setting a Default section allows you to control what section each new task will be created in. This is useful if you always want new tasks to begin at the start of a process without having to be moved there manually and for repeating tasks that you want to have reappear in the same section each time a new copy is created. You can also set a "Done" section if you have manual task clearing enabled so all your completed tasks are automatically moved into that section once they're checked off.
Once the default section is set, all tasks with no section will be moved to this section as soon as they are created. If you have any repeating tasks within a project, all new copies of the repeating task will be automatically added to the default section.
When a task is dragged into a new section, the change will be captured in the task activity, so you can easily keep track of your task’s progress
Adding a Done section to your project
When a Done section is present in a project, completed tasks will automatically move into that section when they're checked off. You can also complete a task by moving it into the Done section using drag and drop or by editing the section in the task pane. A Done section will have a green checkmark icon preceding its name to distinguish it from a regular section. Before you can use this feature, however, ensure that you have manual task clearing turned on for the team that the project is stored in because the feature will only work when manual clearing is enabled. Once it is you have a couple of options for setting it up.
The first option is to set up default sections, which include To Do, In Progress, Needs Review and the Done section while you're creating a new project. Just check the "Set up default sections" option on the first slide before moving on to the next steps. The sections will populate once the project is created.
The second option is to appoint a section as the "Done" section in an existing project. To do so, click the '...' link in the top right corner of your project view and select "Set a Done section" from the dropdown.
Next, choose the section that you want your completed tasks to be moved into and confirm. Please note that any tasks currently in that section will be marked as complete once the change has been made.
Things to Note: Completed tasks that have already been cleared will remain so and will not be moved back into the Done section. Also, if you move a parent task that has incomplete subtasks to the Done section, it will automatically complete both the parent task and any open subtasks.