Whether you want to see what tasks are due soon, view tasks assigned to your coworkers, or claim an unassigned task to work on the Tasks view is the place to do it.
The Tasks view is the hub of all of your task information; you can view all your assigned and subscribed tasks, tasks you’ve flagged, and ones you’ve subscribed to. You can check out unassigned tasks, or if you’re a Plus or Pro member you can view teammates Task Profiles. By default your Tasks view will show six tabs: My Tasks, Flagged, Subscribed, Delegated, Unassigned and More Tasks.
My Tasks
Your My Tasks view shows all the tasks that are assigned to you, and can be viewed in a few different ways to help you manage what’s coming up next. It defaults to a list view, but you can switch to the Agenda view to see your tasks on a calendar as well.
You have the option to view your agenda by Days and Weeks or the regular calendar view. The Days view will show a shorter span of time with larger date cells so you have a closer look at your scheduled tasks, while the Weeks view gives a slightly more zoomed out view. You can navigate forward and backward in time by scrolling left or right. Tasks with start dates will appear as a banner across the days they're scheduled to be worked on.
FYI: The Days and Weeks agenda view are available as part of our Plus and Pro plan. To learn more about what each of our plans include, check out our help doc here.
For more information, you can read our full article on the Tasks Agenda here.
Flags are private to each user in Flow, which allows you to add a private level of priority to your tasks. If you have 10 tasks assigned to you, but one in particular requires your immediate attention, you can flag it and it will appear in your Flagged view.

For more information on flagging tasks, click here.
Tasks that you’ve subscribed to or have been subscribed to will appear here. Being subscribed to a task is basically like following a task: you’ll be notified in Catch Up when other users make updates to the task, like if it is reassigned, the due date is changed, or a comment is posted. This is a quick way to view progress updates on tasks related to you that you may not work directly on. For example, you may need to know when new copy is live on your website, but have asked a contractor to handle it for you.
You can learn more about subscribing to tasks here.
The Delegated tab gathers all the tasks that you’ve directly assigned to other team members. Here you can open tasks to see how they’re progressing, or drag and drop tasks to another team member if you realize you’ve given someone too much to handle. It’s a great space for managers, team leads and other users who do a lot of assigning to apprise themselves of their direct-reports’ tasks and quickly follow up without jumping between projects.
In some cases, you or your teammates will leave a task unassigned because it isn’t actionable yet, or it has the potential to be claimed by anyone in your team. The Unassigned tab is where you can go to view these tasks, and either claim it or assign it to another teammate.
Sorting Tasks
To change how your tasks are sorted, open the Sort By in the top right of the view, or to view tasks only from certain teams, open the Teams dropdown and select only the teams you’d like to view tasks from.
Sorting by Project will show your private tasks at the top of the page, and the project color, if you have one added, will be reflected in the section header.
Sorting by Due Date, Start Date, and Start and Due Date allows you to drag and drop tasks between dates to change their Due or Start Date.
More Tasks Dropdown
This dropdown allows you customize the Tasks sub-header by favouriting different views, or task profiles. Task profiles show you all the public tasks of the person you’re viewing, as well as any private tasks of theirs that you’re subscribed to. For more information on this Plus and Pro feature, and to learn how to favourite task profiles, head here.
Exporting Tasks
If your manager wants to know what tasks were completed this week, a teammate needs to know which tasks you delegated, or a client who doesn’t have access to Flow wants to know what tasks are still actively being worked on, exporting your tasks to one of our supported formats can be super helpful.
To export your tasks head to the tab you’d like to export, whether that’s My Tasks, Flagged, Subscribed, Delegated or Unassigned. Click ‘…’ beside the page header to the right of your icon, then select export tasks. Choose whether you’d like to open or completed tasks, then the format you’d like it exported in.