Welcome to Flow! Now that you've set up your new account, use this guide to walk through the essentials of starting to work in Flow.
Understanding teams, projects and tasks

If you’re working with a larger group, most organizations should organize their teams based on departments or clients. Read more about creating new teams here.
Inviting your team members
Now that we’ve created a team, we’ll need to invite the people you’re working with in Flow to collaborate on projects and tasks. Beside the team name click the “…” and select “add members”. From there you can invite members by email address.

Read more about inviting organization members here.
Creating a project
Now that our team is in, it’s time to create a project and assign some tasks. In Flow, a task is a single action item that can be assigned, collaborated on and completed.
A project is a collection of multiple tasks all pointed at the same goal. To create a project simply click the + next to “Projects” in the sidebar. Once created, you can add a clear description of the purpose for your project in the project note field that appears beneath your project name. You can also add a start and end date to create a timeline for the project. Read more about this option here.

Creating and assigning tasks
Next, we need to create the tasks required to progress and complete the project. To start creating detailed tasks in Flow, just click the green + button in the top right corner of the app or hit Enter/Return on your keyboard. This opens a task pane where you can enter more details.

Notes, comments and attachments
You can easily attach notes and related files, choose a team, project, set a due date and assign it to a relevant team member in the project.
As work on each task moves forward, everyone in the project can use task comments to keep updates and questions focused around individual tasks. If the responsibility of the task changes, you can always reassign it to a new teammate. Read all about creating tasks here.
Organizing projects with sections
To keep your task list within a project organized, create sections to group related tasks or create a process that your tasks will move through. To do so, click “Add a section” at the bottom of your project view. Name it and drag and drop your tasks into your sections.

And it's as simple as that! Now that you're set up, it's time to dive into Flow, get organized and start collaborating with your team. You’re well on your way to becoming a Flow pro, but if you’d like to get a more in-depth look at Flow’s features take a look at our Help Centre.
If you have any questions at all, just email us at help@getflow.com.