Add team guests to specific projects. Ideal for anyone you're working with who doesn't require full access to the team.
Team guests must be specifically added to projects and don't have access to any projects in that team by default. It's the perfect role for anyone you're working with who doesn't require full access to the team or who will only be working with your team for a short time, like clients, contractors and interns.
Please note that guests, like members and admins you invite to your organization, do count towards your plan's seat limits because they will occupy one of the seats in your plan.
Organization Members have access to all unlocked teams by default so if you attempt to add them as a project guest they will be added as a member instead. Guests can be added as guests in unlocked teams. If the team is locked and you invite either a Member or Guest, they will be successfully added as a guest because neither role has access to the team by default. Organization Admins cannot be added as guests because they have access to all of the Organization's locked and unlocked teams by default. You can learn how to lock or unlock a team and make other changes to your team here.