Use the project sidebar to jump between projects without having to switch back to the dashboard.
While the project dashboard allows you to view all your projects within a team, you may find that you need a different view of your projects or a want a quicker way to move between them. That’s where the sidebar comes in.
To access it, first make sure you’re in the Projects tab by clicking “Projects” in the navigation bar. Then click a project card to open a project.
Once in the project view click the sidebar icon in the sub-navigation to open it up. Clicking this button again will collapse the sidebar.
When the sidebar is open, you can jump to another project by clicking its name. You can also move projects to other groups by dragging and dropping them into place. You can also drag and drop tasks from the project view over the project name in the sidebar to quickly change the project they belong to. If at any point you want to return to the Projects dashboard just click the link at the top of the sidebar.