Projects change a lot over time. Deadlines move, milestones shift and ownership can change from one team to another. In the latter case, you can easily ensure that your project is accessible to the right people by moving it from one team to another.
To get started, head to the People and Teams page, accessible from the dropdown that appears when you click the logo in the top left. Once you’re on the Teams page, hover over the name of the team you’d like to move. Click the ‘…’ to trigger a dropdown menu, then select ‘Move Projects Between Teams’.
A popup will prompt you to select the project(s) you’d like to move. Once you’ve selected the projects, click ‘Choose Team’ to be taken to the team selection page.
Then hit confirm! You’ll be shown a summary of the changes happening before you click Move Projects. Sometimes users that are a part of the project won’t be part of the team that you’re moving the project to. In that case, Flow will let you know that moving the Project will also update permissions for the users in question. If that’s okay with you, click Move Projects to confirm.
If you don’t want to give users access to the team, you’ll need to remove them from the project before proceeding. Head back to the project, then click the ‘…’ in the top right, and select ‘Edit Share Options’ from the dropdown.
Make the project private, then remove the users that should not have access to the new team. Once you’ve finished you’ll be able to move the project following the steps above without running into any permissions conflicts.