Default sections allow you to build a simple process into your projects from the moment they’re created. In Flow X, the behaviour of this feature will be changing. Read on to learn how this will affect future use and your existing projects.
What’s changed
Previously, users could designate a default section for tasks to be added to upon creation or completion. Appointing a “Default” section meant that any task created in that project would automatically be moved to that section. Appointing a "Done" section, on the other hand, meant that any task completed in that project would be moved to the Done section automatically. In essence, the intent was to simplify the problem of knowing where to create new tasks in your project and where to move them when they were completed.
In the latest update, we’ve removed this automatic functionality, as well as the ability to appoint a Default and Done section in your projects. While the section names won’t change in existing projects, the behaviour will; to file something in a Done section, for example, you will need to move the task manually by dragging and dropping it in the section or editing the section in the task pane.
Why was this change made?
It’s always a difficult decision to remove features from Flow and this was no exception. While we realize that some teams will have come to depend on this functionality, we found overwhelmingly that users were confused by the behaviour and that it actively worked against their attempt to create manageable and repeatable processes. We had been aware of these challenges for some time and had sought to address them in smaller ways, without much change in the response. So, with the Flow X update and the mandate of simplifying the app’s functionality, it felt like the right time to tackle the issue more directly and, ultimately, the best option was to remove it in full. We're now in the process of rethinking task states and how better to represent them in the app.
How to use default sections
When you create a new project, you’ll still see the option to pre-populate your projects with To do, In progress, Needs review, and Done sections to support a simple process to move your tasks through. The main change is that to create a task or move it to these sections, you will have to do so manually.
To move the task, you will need to drag and drop it into the new section or edit the section field in the task pane. To create the task in a particular section, simply click the + button next to the section name to open the task pane, where you’ll find that section pre-selected.
Tasks will no longer move to the Done section automatically when completed. Once you complete a task you will need to drag and drop the task to the Done section or edit the section in the task pane before completing it.