The Tasks view is one of the most flexible and powerful views in Flow. It allows you to zero in on your own work and your team’s work at the task level. Read on to learn all the ways you can use this view to optimize your work life.
No matter what role you play in your organization, the Tasks view will have something for you. You can use it to organize your personal tasks, keep up with those that you’re following or have delegated to other teammates, or, with a Plus/Pro plan, zero in on a particular teammate’s tasks or those across an entire team.

My Tasks & tasks you’re following
My Tasks is the perfect place to get perspective on your day, week or month. Click “My Tasks” in the sidebar and you’ll see every task that’s assigned to you across all teams and projects to the right.
And since it’s made for you, you can customize how your tasks are sorted and which task details you want to see. To modify the sort, just click “Sort” on the top right side of the view and choose from the available options, which include Project, Title, Start Date, Deadline, and Priority (for users on Plus and Pro plans). If you sort by Project you’ll see a section at the top called “My Tasks” with a lock icon next to it—these are private tasks, meaning that they haven’t been added to a specific project and, if not shared with other teammates, are visible only to you.
To modify the task details you see, click “Show” next to the “Sort” option. Click the buttons to toggle an option on or off. For example, if you don’t tend to use priority or start dates, you could toggle them off so you’re only seeing what’s most relevant to you.

Many of the edits to the task details that show in the Tasks view can be made inline—just click the detail to the right of the task name, such as start/due date, priority and assignee, and choose a new option from the selector window that opens.
- Delegated Tasks is exactly what it sounds like—all the tasks you’ve created and assigned to other teammates. This view is great for team leads and managers who delegate a lot of tasks per week and need one place to see them all.
- Bookmarks allows you to see all the tasks you’ve bookmarked for follow up later. This is a personal view, so you can bookmark a task without worrying about confusing your bookmarks with another user’s. To add a bookmark to a task, just click the little bookmark icon at the top of the task pane. You can remove it at any time by clicking the icon again.
- Following will show you all the tasks you’ve been added to as a follower. This includes tasks that are assigned to you, tasks that you’ve created for other teammates, and tasks that you’ve been added as a follower on, meaning that you’re notified any time the task is updated. Another helpful view to stay on top of work you’re involved with, but perhaps not responsible for completing.
Teams, Teammates, & Tags (Plus & Pro features)
These features, available on Plus and Pro plans, give you wide-ranging access to tasks that you’d normally have to search for individually or jump from project to project to find.

- The Teammates tab in the Tasks sidebar allows you to create a shortcut to a teammates’ task list. This is perfect for managers and team leads that want a quick way to check on tasks assigned to their direct reports and ensure that no one person is assigned too much or too little. To add a teammate to the sidebar, just click the + next to Teammates, then enter or scroll to find the name of the teammate you want to add and click the + next to their name. To remove them from the sidebar, simply repeat the same steps and click the checkmark next to the name.
- The Teams option below works in the same way. Clicking the + next to Teams will allow you to create a shortcut to see all the tasks across a particular team. So if your workflow makes it so that you need to regularly see all assigned and unassigned tasks across your team/department, you can follow the steps above to add a shortcut to the sidebar.
- Similarly, Tags allows you to create a shortcut to the tags that you use to organize or categorize your work. For example, if you need to track all tasks tagged #design, you can add it to your sidebar to save time on searching or reviewing tasks in their projects one by one.
- You can also filter by specific tags by clicking “Filter” at the top of the view, but this option will only show you tagged tasks that relative to the view you’re in.
If ever you want to hide these options without removing them from your sidebar, just click the name of the section to collapse it.
In these and other views in Tasks, you can also click on the name of the view at the top of the task list for more options. Click “View Profile” to view a user’s profile pane, “Jump to calendar view” to see any scheduled tasks in the view on a dedicated calendar, or export the list by clicking “Export to CSV”.
The options under Finder give you quick access to even more wide-ranging, team/teammate agnostic views. Note that any private tasks that haven’t been shared with you will not appear in the results.
- All Tasks is exactly what it sounds like—all shared tasks across your organization. If you ever want a high-level understanding of what everyone in your organization is working on, this is the place to go.
- Find Overdue will show you all the tasks across your teams that are currently overdue so that you can adjust deadlines or quickly follow up the assignee to get the ball rolling again.
- Find Recurring gives you access to all the shared repeating tasks that have been created by your team.
- Find Unassigned is a perfect view for project managers and team delegators alike. If your team creates tasks before an assignee has been agreed upon, like in a general Inbox, this is a great way to keep them from slipping through the cracks and ensure that responsibility is allocated when the time is right.
- Find Unscheduled serves a similar purpose—tasks don’t require deadlines, but they definitely help keep them on everyone’s radar. This view gives you a list of all unscheduled tasks across your organization so you can nudge teammates to set their own deadlines or, if you’re a project manager, to change a backlog task into a future week’s priority.
More options
Collapsing the sidebar
If you want a little extra real estate in the Tasks view, you can collapse the sidebar at any time. Just click the list/arrow icon on the top right side of the sidebar. To expand it, just click the icon again.

If you have invite privileges in your organization, you can also invite new users to work with you right from the bottom of the sidebar. Just click “Invite Teammates” to get started. Please note that any new users will count toward the cost of your subscription.